What is Energy Healing?
Everything is energy and vibrates at a certain frequency. In turn, when energy is expended in some capacity, it responds in a certain way and can absorb that frequency - whether positive or negative.
Words are a form of energy and are tied to a specific emotions which makes it super potent. I’m sure you’ve heard of experiments being done by a teacher speaking horrible, negative things to one plant or type of fruit and speaking wonderful, happy, positive things to another and being able to see a physical difference in the growth/deterioration of whatever the thing was.
The same can absolutely be said for humans (and pets too). The lower vibrations tend to be stored inside our bodies, such as fear, sadness, doubt, insecurity, guilt, shame, pain, trauma, etc. If we don’t actively work to clear those energies, they create blockages in our systems that prevent us from moving forward in our lives and can also eventually lead to disease (aka dis-ease).
Our chakra centers are the main energy wheels that work together to keep the flow, so that our lives are in flow too. It is super important to clear the pathways and infuse them with high frequencies - love, light, healing, etc.
Energy healing is for everyone at any point in their life. You don’t need to have something “wrong” with you (ie being sick, experiencing body pain, digestive issues, etc) in order to receive healing. Most of us absorb energy from other people and electronics all day long without even realizing it. It is extremely important to do energetic maintenance and clearing often so you can function properly and keep those vibes high.
I highly recommend you start learning about the chakra system and how emotions can affect your body systems. It is the first step to becoming super intentional about who you surround yourself with, what you consume, and how you talk to/about yourself and others. It is truly an eye-opening experience.
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