Divine Direction with Diana
Guiding you to reconnect with your truest self so you can live your best, most aligned life
The Podcast
It’s funny looking back… this has always been a part of me, I just wasn’t ready to see it…
Birthday Eve Reflections
I started thinking back to my 21st birthday and reflected on all the time that has passed since then…
What is Energy Healing?
Everything is energy and vibrates at a certain frequency. In turn, when energy is expended in some capacity, it responds in a certain way…
What is an Astro Soul Coach?
Titles are an interesting thing… words to describe what it is that we do, which at times holds more weight than who we actually are and what we are capable of…
Divine Direction
I’ve always been one to ponder the deep thoughts and questions, searching for more…
What? A Blog??
Hey there, welcome to my blog! I'll be sharing insights and stories of my journey in discovering my truest self with you all…