Birthday Eve Reflections

I started thinking back to my 21st birthday and reflected on all the time that has passed since then. My 20s were filled with fun, adventure, and some questionable life choices, all while navigating what I wanted to do with my life and who I wanted to become. Seeking advice from those around me on what the path I take should be. But, deep down, I knew there was more to it than what I was being told. I could feel it. I wasn’t meant to do what everyone else did. There were definitely moments of confusion and sadness and times when I just wanted to crawl under a rock and not be bothered by anyone (#scorpio). 

30 was a turning point (hi, saturn return). It was a total mind f*ck because I was not at all where I thought I would be at that point in my life. All my friends were getting married and starting to have babies and I was back to living at home teaching tennis even though I had an MBA and couldn’t find a “real job”. (side note - I never really wanted or saw myself working a “real job” anyways) People would joke and make comments that I didn’t like to work. But it was because it wasn’t the right kind of work. I slowly started doing things that inspired me and lit me up and when I really started learning astrology is when I finally understood myself. 

#32 has been one of the most exciting, expanding, yet challenging years filled with lessons and so much growth. Asking questions like how can I serve and remain true to ME. Finding the courage to breakthrough and truly take charge in my role in this world as a healer and a teacher. I co-hosted two retreats this past year that sparked deep healing and transformations for several women and it affirmed that THIS work is what I’m meant to do. I am here to do big things and while it’s taken me some time to get to this point, I am just getting started and I can’t wait to see it all unfold. 💖


The Initiation


You Are Enough.